Thursday 4 February 2016

Roger Deakins

This awards season, everyone has their eye on Leonardo DiCaprio. Nominated for his fifth Oscar, most would say he's overdue for that golden trophy. It's definitely deserved, as he's one of the most committed and talented actors of our time. The Revenant may be his best work to date and at 41 years of age, he's poised to give us many more great performances.

That being said, his Oscar woes pale in comparison to one of the most gifted minds in cinema...

Roger Deakins. 

What do The Shawshank Redemption, Prisoners, Fargo, No Country For Old Men, A Beautiful Mind, Skyfall and True Grit all have in common?...

...All were lensed by Roger Deakins. For those who don't know, Deakins is a cinematographer. A cinematographer (or director of photography) is the person controlling what we as an audience see. They helm the camera and are in control of the artistic decisions we see on film.  

Deakins has been nominated for 13 Academy Awards and has yet to win. This year, he is nominated once again for his brilliant work in Sicario. Unfortunately for Deakins, this year's Oscars are particularly stacked with cinematographers. Emmanuel Lubezki appears to be the early favourite for his incredible work in The Revenant.

For those who don't notice cinematography, try watching a movie that was lensed by Deakins. It may change the way you look at a film. For Deakins, every frame is a painting. You could pause one of his movies at any point, and you see a beautiful work of art. 

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

No Country for Old Men



Next time you catch a movie, take a second to see who the cinematographer is. If it's Roger Deakins, you're in for something special. Movies are more than just mindless entertainment. For Deakins, they're an outlet for his artistry. 


  1. So many of these movies where his cinematography is clearly the best part. And some where it's the best part, and has tough competition. He's just THAT good.

    1. I find he can make a mediocre movie better just by his work

  2. Great point. So often the artists behind the scenes of a film are taken for granted or forgotten entirely. It is just as important to acknowledge their amazing artistry, as we do with actors and actresses.

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  4. Love it! Too often viewers focus on the actors and none of the talent and work that goes on behind the scenes! Cinematographers certainly have a tremendous ability to see things in new ways, and take movies to a whole new level beyond just the story!
